Showing posts with label Cloud. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cloud. Show all posts

Friday, July 1, 2016

How to Create CLOUD Oracle Database Service


  • Generate SSH Key Pair Using SSH Key Generator
  • Select type of key as SSH-2 RSA.
  • No.of bits as 2048.
  • Click on Generate.

      • Key Will be Generated as below screen shot.

      • Click on Save Private Key to save key with extension .ppk.

      • Click on Conversions on Putty Key Generator and and click in Export Open SSH Key.
      • Save the Key with extension .ssh.

      • Copy the content under Public key for pasting into OpenSSH authorized_keys  in Putty Key generator and save as .pub file


      • Login to Database Cloud Service Console.
      • Click on Create Instance.

      • Select the Database version 11g or 12c.
      • Select the software edition.

      • Enter Service Name, Description.
      • SSH Public Key upload .pub file which is created in Putty Key generation.
      • Setup the Administrators password.
      • Click Next. 

      • Verify the summary. Click on Create.

      • Follow the Screen shot to modify the Access Policies.

      • Enable ora_p2_dblistener and ora_p2_httpssl 

      • Connect to Cloud Oracle Database using SQL Developer.

      Thanks !