Showing posts with label Forty Seven Bank. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Forty Seven Bank. Show all posts

Friday, March 30, 2018

Forty Seven Bank Project API (Open Project Bank API)

This API provides a testing environment for developers who want build banking related apps. Here we have to create a Developer account in Sandbox for accessing all the functionalities like accounts access, ATM access, Transaction details, Payments Transaction requests and many more.

For Access, all services use SDK provided by open project API. This SDK helps to connect App to banking services and also need a developer key which was provided when you created a developer account.

For Testing the App with sandbox test customers only.

To get APIs use following URL Click Here

The latest version is 3.0.0 and older versions are from 1.2.1 to 2.2.0.

Here we have different APIs available:

  1. Accounts
  2. Branches, ATM
  3. Transactions
  4. Payments & Transaction requests and many more. 

Accounts: Access user accounts, Balances information about different accounts.
The following services can avail in API:
          A) Create an account: Create a new Account in the specified Branch
          B) Create view: To balance view use OAuth authentication.
          C) Delete view: Delete access
          D) Get an account by id: Returns information against an account id and many more.

          Click Here to explore more about this API

Branches, ATM: Here we can create new branches and ATMs in specified geolocations.

The following services can avail in API:

          A) Create Bank: Create a new branch
          B) Get Bank: Get bank details
          C) Get Banks: Get all bank names and many more.

          Click Here to explore more about this API

Transactions: Access the transaction info and metadata also.

The following services can avail in API:

          A) Get other accounts of transaction: Returns the details about which party involved.
          B) Get transaction by id: Returns transaction details and many more.

          Click Here to explore more about this API

Payments & Transaction Requests: Initiate transfers, view charges etc.

The following services can avail in API:

         A) Create transaction request: In which we can initiate a transaction followed by account details.
         B) Get Transaction Requests: Get transaction requests given account number in a specified branch and many more
Click Here to explore more about this API