Showing posts with label OVD. Show all posts
Showing posts with label OVD. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

How to develop Oracle Virtual Directory 11g Custom Plugin

There are times where out-of-box OVD functionality is no sufficient for client requirements. We may need to write some custom plugins which will extend the OVD functionality.

I'm about to write a post on this but it seems like there is excellent post from Oracle A-team.


Based on the requirement you may need to extend the BasePlugin class methods.


1. postSearchEntry() is the method implementation to manipulate any search results.

2. get() is the method if needed to manipulate the search criteria even before it talks to backend DS.

Hope this helps.

-- Siva Pokuri.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Tips: Set OVD 11g Debug Logs to Trace level

Step 1

1. Open ODSM
2. Click Advanced tab
3. Click/Expand Global Plugin
4. Click on the button to Create Plug-in 
5. For Name put for ex. myDumpTr
6. For Class choose DumpTransactions
7. Click on the button Create Parameter
8. For Name write loglevel 
9. For Value write FINEST
10.Cick Ok

Step 2:

1. Open Oracle Enterprise Manager, access http://<host>:<port>/em login with user name Weblogic (or whatever other user that you choose for admin)
2. Expand -> Farm_<name>Domain -> Identity and Access right click ovd1 ->choose Logs -> Log Configuration
3. Click Log Levels tab
 For Logger Name -- com.octetstring.accesslog choose TRACE:32 (FINEST)
 For Logger Name -- com.octetstring.vde choose TRACE:32 (FINEST)
4. Click Apply
5. Click Close in Confirmation dialog box

Stop OVD:

$ORACLE_INSTANCE/bin/opmnctl stopproc ias-component=ovd1

Start OVD:

$ORACLE_INSTANCE/bin/opmnctl startproc ias-component=ovd1

Check logs in $ORACLE_INSTANCE/diagnostics/logs/OVD/ovd1/ location

Friday, May 6, 2016

Fix: Oracle Virtual Directory(OVD) not showing ismemberof attribute from Oracle Unified Directory(OUD)


- Oracle Virtual Directory 11g(
- Oracle Unified Directory 11g R2 PS2
- OUD adapter configured in OVD


Oracle Virtual Directory not showing groups membership of user in user profile


- Open and login to OVD ODSM console
- Click on Adapters tab
- Select OUD adapter you already created
- Click on Plug-ins tab
- Click on "Create Plug-in" icon
- Click on "Select" button next to class field
- Select "VirtualMemberOfPlugin" from the list of plugin classes
- Assign some name to the plugin. Say "GroupAttributePlugin"
- Add all the accepted parameters for the plugin as mentioned below.
        1) searchBase - DN of the OUD groups (Example: ou=groups,dc=pokuri,dc=com)
        2) adapterName - OUD adapter name defined in OVD
        3) explicitrequestonly - accepts "true" or "false" (I did not see any difference with either value)
- Click on "Apply" to save the changes

Now, connect to OVD and search user with attribute "isMemberOf" using ldapsearch command.

Search Command:

./ldapsearch -h -p 6501 -D "cn=orcladmin" -w Abcd1234 -b "DC=pokuri,DC=com" "(uid=spokuri)" ismemberof uid


dn: cn=spokuri,ou=oud,dc=pokuri,dc=com
uid: spokuri
ismemberof: cn=Admins,ou=oud,dc=pokuri,dc=com

Hope this helps some one out there.

-- Siva Pokuri

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Upgrade Oracle Access Manager from 11g R2 to 11g R2 PS2

Description: This post covers the process of upgrading Oracle Access Manager from 11GR2 to PS2.

Pre-Upgrade steps:
  • Shutdown Weblogic Admin server and OAM Managed server.
  • Take a backup of total environment including database.
  • Make sure you have installed weblogic version
OAM Binaries Upgrade Process:
  • Download and extract the PS2 binaries and navigate to Disk1 and execute the below command.
  • ./runInstaller -jreLoc /<JAVA_HOME>/jre/
  • Click Next.

  • Select Skip Software Updates and Click Next
  • Check the Prerequisite Checks and click Next.
  • Select the Middleware Directory where OAM 11gR2.
  • Pop-up window will appear and asking for to upgrade the existing version or select the new Middleware Home. Click Yes.
  • Click Install.

  • Click Next.
  • Click Finish.

Upgrade OAM Schema:
  • Navigate to <MW_HOME>/oracle_common/bin
  • Execute the. /psa to upgrade the OAM and OPSS schemas.

  • Click Next
  • Select the component to upgrade the schema and click next.
  • Check the both Prerequisites and click next.
  • Provide the DB connection details to upgrade the IAU schema and click next.
  • Provide the DB connection details to upgrade the OPSS schema and click next.
  • Provide the DB connection details to upgrade the OAM schema and click next.
  • Click next after the Examine step is successful.
  • Click on Upgrade.
  • After upgrade process successfully done click on next.
  • Check the upgrade status shows successful. Click on close.

Upgrade OPSS Schema:
  • Navigate to <MW_HOME>/oracle_common/common/bin

  • Execute ./
  • Then execute the upgradeOPSS command find the syntax below.
"upgradeOpss(jpsConfig="/home/oracle/Oracle/Middleware/user_projects/domains/idm/config/fmwconfig/jps-config.xml", jaznData="/home/oracle/Oracle/Middleware/oracle_common/modules/oracle.jps_11.1.1/domain_config/system-jazn-data.xml",

  • Execute the below command to copy MbeanXmlFiles.

  • Execute the below command to upgrade the system configuration.
"upgradeConfig("/home/oracle/Oracle/Middleware/user_projects/domains/idm", "sys", "Passw0rd1", "DEV_OAM", "")"

Restart the WLS Admin and Managed Servers:

  • Navigate to <MW_HOME>/user_projects/domains/base_domain/bin/
  • Execute ./ to start WLS Admin Server.
  • Execute ./ oam_server1 to start OAM Managed Server.
  • Open the browser and try to access the http://<WLS_host>:<WLS_port>/oamconsole

  • Provide the credentials Weblogic/password.

-- Kiran Pokuri

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Oracle Virtual Directory(OVD) 11g R1 Perfornance issue

Would like to share OVD 11g performance issue I came across:

If you are using OVD 11g R1 with JDK 1.6.0_32 then you will face performance issue.

Resolution: Upgrade JDK to JDK then performance will be lot better.

It worked for me :-). Hope it will be helpful.


Siva Pokuri.