Showing posts with label PingAccess. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PingAccess. Show all posts

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Ping Access internet proxy setting to access token provider

Offen this kind of setup needed especially when deploying ping access internally and token provider such as Ping federation/Aure AD in the cloud.

In this kind of set up, secure internet access needed from Ping Access needed in order to register the token provider.

First, register the internet proxy IP and port number (provide credentials if proxy need authentication) in the Ping Access Administration console settings >> networking >> proxies

Next, Add created proxy instance to Administration/replica Administration nodes and all the engine nodes(If in the multinode cluster setup) else if in a standalone setup adding in Primary Administration node is good enough.

Siva Pokuri

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

PingAccess Windows service will not start


Once Ping Access is installed and configured as Windows service. The service then fails to start.

One possible most common issue is with JAVA_HOME environment variable. 


Check if JAVA_HOME env and set at SYSTEM level not just USER level if not already set. It may be necessary to restart the Windows server to pick up the system variable change.

Then try starting the service again.
