Friday, July 1, 2016

How to Create CLOUD Oracle Database Service


  • Generate SSH Key Pair Using SSH Key Generator
  • Select type of key as SSH-2 RSA.
  • No.of bits as 2048.
  • Click on Generate.

      • Key Will be Generated as below screen shot.

      • Click on Save Private Key to save key with extension .ppk.

      • Click on Conversions on Putty Key Generator and and click in Export Open SSH Key.
      • Save the Key with extension .ssh.

      • Copy the content under Public key for pasting into OpenSSH authorized_keys  in Putty Key generator and save as .pub file


      • Login to Database Cloud Service Console.
      • Click on Create Instance.

      • Select the Database version 11g or 12c.
      • Select the software edition.

      • Enter Service Name, Description.
      • SSH Public Key upload .pub file which is created in Putty Key generation.
      • Setup the Administrators password.
      • Click Next. 

      • Verify the summary. Click on Create.

      • Follow the Screen shot to modify the Access Policies.

      • Enable ora_p2_dblistener and ora_p2_httpssl 

      • Connect to Cloud Oracle Database using SQL Developer.

      Thanks !

      Thursday, June 30, 2016

      Friday, June 10, 2016

      Highlights of OAM PS3 Integration with EBS 12.2 for Single Sign-On

      Hello Readers

      Here are some highlights of EBS 12.2 SSO integration with OAM 11gR2 PS3.

      1. Oracle Guide for this integration is 1576425.1
      2. EBS 12.2 is pre-packaged with Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3.6 and WebTier 11g. WebTier 11g is 
      3. In EBS 12.2 OAM SSO integration, the need of separate WebLogic server for Access Gate and separate OHS for webgate setup has been eliminated.
      4. OAM PS3 OHS webgate needs OHS to be atleast In case if WebTier in EBS environment is less than that version, upgrade it to for SSO to work.
      5. OAM PS3 has be patched atleast BP03.
      6. EBS comes with 3 automation scripts for configuring required artifacts for this SSO integration.
        • This script installs webgate. 
        • -script=SetOAMReg -installWebgate=yes -webgatestagedir=/u90/webgate
        • This script deploys AccessGate
        • perl $AD_TOP/patch/115/bin/ -ebscreate=oaea_resources -contextfile=$CONTEXT_FILE  -deployApps=accessgate -SSOServerURL=<<OAM_Managed_Server_URL>> -managedsrvname=oaea_server1  -managedsrvport=6803 -logfile=/tmp/deployeag.log
        • This script registers EBS with OAM and will also modify webgate for EBS logout URLs automatically
        • -script=SetOAMReg -registeroam=yes
               7. Verify the WebGate is working first by testing http://<<ohs_host:port>>/index.html
               8.  Ensure that respective OAM Authorization policy is returning orclguid in responses. You can also test                  this by protecting cgi script in OHS directory.